Our Team

Matthew (Matt) J. Allan, CIP, CRM
Senior TPA Examiner
[email protected]


Matt is a highly experienced and versatile claims expert with over 28 years of service in the P&C industry as an adjuster, senior manager, executive, and innovation leader. Matt focuses on a wide range of property & casualty claims and is heavily involved in creating highly efficient claims solutions using AI technology.

Professional Experience

  • Gallagher Canada – 2 years
  • Mclarens/Granite/Claimspro – 8 years
  • Crawford & Co. – 17 years

Special Capabilities

  • CAT claims and management
  • Property
  • Casualty
  • BI
  • Management, Process & Operations

Have a general question? Send us a message now!

Matthew (Matt) J. Allan, CIP, CRM

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